
This site is full of creative poetry/art exercises that aim to bring pleasure back into using words and writing. We welcome the participation of you and your child, please have a look at the list of contents, or the blog archive and try out any of the exercises that you like the look of. We welcome your comments on the success (or otherwise) of the idea…

Saturday, 18 September 2010

writing on acetate

As I'm writing, Joe is still drawing on acetate, it's  . He told me:  'I loved it, seeing the drawing through the acetate and you get to draw on the other side so the writing's really fancy.'  We will most definitely try this again, it could be developed in all sorts of ways. More experiments to follow on another day.

acetate and tissue paper

My friend Melloney gave me an excellent tip for  spelling practice in the Journal making;

1.  Encourage discussion about the subject they want to write about
2.  Think about any words that maybe difficult to spell, and together have a go at spelling them. This could be on the same page or another piece of paper.
3.  Once you've worked out the correct spellings together, he can work independently, copying any of the more difficult words, reinforcing the learning.

blue acetate sandwich 

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